

A Social Policy

Because of a both individual and complex surrounding social context, PALLISCO and CIFM companies are responsive to local social problems, contribute to improve the living environment of its staff and participate in the socio-economic development of local populations.

The company pays employees regardless of gender, in accordance with the contractual clauses, the socio-professional classification and the salary scale laid down by the regulations. The wages paid are in line with and above the SMIG, the minimum wage provided for by the Collective Agreement for the logging sector applied by the company is more favourable to employees than the SMIG. All salaries are subject to tax and fiscal requirements in accordance with the laws in force.

In order to manage its activities in social domain, the Directorate is committed on long-term guidance set through its Social Policy created on 10/10/2006. The implementation of this policy is ensured by:
- The Personnel Service concerning the internal social aspect of firms (personnel management, recruitment, training)
- The social aspect of the management Unit on the external social flasp (management of relations with local populations).

In 2009, following a visit by the National Social Insurance Fund (CNPS) officers, Pallisco and CIFM companies´ efforts were recognized. Mr. Mekulu Mvondo Akame, Director General of CNPS sent us encouragement.

Internal action plan and activities monitoring

PALLISCO and CIFM voluntary approach about internal evaluation and improvement of its performance on all its activities has led the Directorate to implement and monitor an internal action plan. The social aspect is integrated in the internal monitoring.

A social management plan is also implemented and monitored on the basis of the results of the social impact study.

Information is available on "Monitoring". [ Go to this page ]


A health service

For health concern in Mindourou main housing base, the opening of a dispensary in 2008 and a medical analysis laboratory in 2010 with a permanent doctor helped to enhance patients reception, internal organization, hygiene and care for the employees and their families. The availability of an ambulance allows nurses to react quickly in case of accidents and achieve the necessary emergency evacuation to the nearest hospital. A small dispensary is permanently opened on Makalaya advanced housing base.

Indigenous people

Indigenous or semi-nomadic people, mainly pygmies´ population, are present in the East Region of Cameroon. Following the social impact assessment conducted in August 2006, an additional study on the semi-nomadic people was realized in February 2007 in order to engage this audience in the forest concession managed by PALLISCO Compagny.

The results of this study led to inventory and map these different villages in the FMU, to learn more about their customs and their relationship with logging activities.

Subsequently, specific activities have been identified and incorporated into the Social Management Plan, activities undertaken and monitored by the social aspect of the management Cell.


A platform for social dialogue

In order to have a permanent framework for social dialogue with the local communities to prevent and resolve potential conflicts, PALLISCO company has established 8 "Peasants Committees Forest (CPF *) in April 2006 covering all local villages (about 80) of the forest concession (6 FMU). Indigenous people are also integrated into this platform.

* : The installation and functioning of the CPF is governed by the Cameroon forestry legislation with the participation of the administration.


Social Achievements

An ongoing program of internal social achievements continuously improves the quality of life of employees of the company (hygiene, health, environment, welfare).

For external social achievements, they are monitored and documented by the social aspect of the management Cell. Local government issues the "Certificate of achievement of social work" on the basis of the findings. [ Go to this page ]


Participation in local development

The Annual Forest Royalty (AFR) is a tax based on the area of the FMU, payable each year in three equivalent instalments distributed as follows in 2016 (see 2016 Finance Law):

- 50% for the State;

- 50% for the Communes, including : Support for collection (10% of the 50%, i.e. 5%), centralisation of FEICOM (36% of the 50%, i.e. 18%) and communes of location of the forest exploitation title (54% of the 50%, i.e. 27%).

This taxation contributes to local socio-economic development.

Details of payments made by year and by distribution since 2000 are available on this website.[Accéder à cette page ]


The external social works carried out outside the legal obligations (RFA) are carried out voluntarily by the PALLISCO company. The projects are identified in consultation with the population.
Each year, classrooms, community housing, repairs, etc., are carried out for an average budget of 30 million CFA francs (approximately 30,000 €).

Notes: These payments and achievements are periodically brought to the attention of the staff of PALLISCO and CIFM in the internal newspaper "Pallisco-CIFM News" and to the attention of the local population in the external newspaper "Les Echos de la forêt".